Curry Village NYE - Dec 2019

The warnings and possible foreboding nature of the Call to Adventure were met and received by those daring to attend our New Year's Eve in Yosemite. The weather was in fact very delightful and the shared food and drink were more than adequate. What was most striking to me though was the landscape, which has always been the largest driver to go so far out for this event. Reflection on our past year is common during the New Year and going back to a location that has a history for the guild but also for me personally really puts things in perspective. The change we individually go through in a year (this was most evident with our youngest Explorer who attended last year and this one) is remarkable. Even the Guild adjusts and changes, though in less dramatic ways, but Yosemite remains constant. Driving into the valley still offers the incredible reward of stunning views, the river continues to flow as the lifeblood of the valley and the heat radiating from the cliffs still make me warm to the core. The tent cabins, community room, and snowfields are filled with the memories of our previous outings. For those of us attending, we can still point out where we played candle tag, or where we went sledding with makeshift cardboard discs. I'm at peace here and full of joy.

Captain's reports are usually filled with a blow by blow account of what happened but at this time I mostly want to convey that we all had a wonderful time exploring the valley and building our bonds with one another. During the usual observance of the sunset for the previous year and the sunrise of the new one, I found my mind reflecting on how grateful I am to all of you in the Explorers Guild who continue to pursue this crazy bit of art with me. Let us continue to appreciate the elements which change and those that are more constant in the New Year. The Explorers Guild will endeavor to be there for those who need it.

Justin Oliphant