Expeditions in Place - 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic slowed down the pace of expeditions. The overnight camping trip to Big Basin was cancelled in the weeks leading up to the event and as the Bay Area was given a shelter in place order. Gears switched to keep everyone at home as the global scientific community put their best efforts into understanding the virus and creating a vaccine.
During this time, the Explorers Guild published eight Expedition in Place guides, to keep everyone’s imaginations and skills honed. Additionally, we held a Mythological Creatures themed Pub Quiz, began a weekly book club, and hosted a digital New Year’s Eve even. Despite the uncertainty of the year, many of the core members of the Explorers Guild reached out to make sure there would be something happening after the restrictions lifted. This outreach is what partially led to the formation of the Explorers Guild Troupe 499 (the Space Troupe).